Melatonin: Dosage, Timing and De-stressing for Better Sleep

When do you take melatonin? What dosage? Micro dose or mega dose? What if I told you that 99% of people do it wrong? An interview with Ken Obi about his findings on biohacking melatonin dosing, timing, EMFs, importance of de-stressing prior to bed time.

Microdosing from Nicotine to Melatonin – Brain Society


OSR NBMI Heavy Metal Chelator Review and One Year Impressions

First of all – I made it and I ‘m still here chelating with OSR. Here’s my one year review but in reality it has been almost two years because I took lots of breaks. You can skim through the text because it has updates but I recommend watching a video (at the end of this article) where I explain everything in detail and show demonstrate the process.

What I like about it:

  • Improvement in symptoms: insomnia is not an issue, some nights really deep sleep, like during the good times. Fatigue levels are at a level where I’m able to function pretty well entire day. Able to eat more foods. Feel lighter and in better mood overall. My symptom management has improved with lots of experimentation.
  • Steady growth in dosage. I dose once a week because it takes this long for it to clear and for all symptoms to subside. Meanwhile, I have to stay productive.
  • I am able to double the dose within a month or two. I have worked out a great dosing system for myself (see how I mix and dose it in the video)
  • You take it and forget it for a few days – very easy (not like ACC)
  • It is still very slow going but much more manageable
  • Inventor is still alive – explains the science, and trials
  • Cheap and lasts long with small doses

What I don’t like about it:

  • What hasn’t improved: food sensitivities, exercise tolerance, liver stagnation, sensitive pancreas.
  • Very fragile lower back…
  • All food sensitivities get worse because it is extra stress on the liver pathways, even with the right supplements. OSR is a compounder for the liver load. Salicylates, histamine, glutamate, oxalates…
  • Fatigued, lethargic, brain fogged for at least two days.
  • Still feeling like being a part of an experiment. I mean this is cutting edge, not really approved for use with people yet.
  • Difficult to get.
  • Gets expensive with large doses

[continue reading…]


ACC (Andy Cutler) Mercury Chelation Protocol Honest Review After 3 years

I followed ACC protocol for three years.  Got up to 200 ALA per dose and 20 mg DMPS, did very little DMSA. This is a long review of my progress, frustrations and set backs.

Eventually I hit a brick wall.  Didn’t get worse than before I got started but I certainly regressed to fatigue and exhaustion. Tried considerably lower doses but with same result.

Going to tell you the good things and the bad things, but first here’s a bit about my experience: [continue reading…]


L-Glutamine Hype – Can it Cause Insomnia and Be Harmful?

L-Glutamine is all the hype when it comes to leaky gut and sleep but why is everyone ignoring the fact that there are just as many paradoxical reactions? Some people who try L-glutamine or products that contain L-Glutamine like whey protein, hydrolyzed collagen and many others experience extreme reactions and suffer from insomnia. Why is no one talking?

L-Glutamine caused me lots of grief and left me suffering from a nasty insomnia for weeks. In this article I will share my story, making some educated guesses as to what could have gone wrong and will caution you against taking L-Glutamine so indiscriminately.

The L-Glutamine Hype

The reason I decided to try L-Glutamine is because a few studies out there which claim that:

1.  It is said to have a calming effect on the brain, and

2. Regular use of glutamine supplements leads to a more restful sleep;

3. Helpful in repairing the intestinal wall for those of us with the so called leaky gut.

4. L-glutamine (especially in combo with Glycine) has a proven ability to elevate glutathione levels.

5. Can lower ammonia levels.

The hyped up version from the so called [continue reading…]


Five Amazing Ways Qigong is Helping Me With Mercury Chelation – No One Believes Me!

“What is the best supplement you took to help you with mercury chelation and help you sleep better?” People are usually baffled when I tell them that the best ever, most useful thing I took was not a supplement at all. It was Qigong – a powerful self healing method which is absolutely FREE to practice on daily basis. Thanks to this wonderful practice I was able to chelate heavy metals without any adrenal support and without any major setbacks. This resulted in increased energy levels and deep sleep.

Most of the time our bodies heal without any intervention. How do they do it? What is the inner intelligence within that allows the body to recover wounds, traumas and expel infections? We are naturally built to self regulate and to heal, aren’t we?  Problem is we can’t do that if we the body does not  have the energy it needs. And unfortunately, our modern world and toxic environment are increasingly depleting our energy. If you add daily stress, intense life style, alcohol and all other stuff that pleases the mind but drains the body and you reach a point where your system cannot maintain the energy it needs to repair and stay healthy. 

Qigong is a perfect antidote for all of that. It is like plugging your fingers into a gentle battery. The type of Qigong that I do is super simple. Even a child can learn it because it doesn’t require any complicated or exotic movements as what you may see on TV or Thai Chi classes. This form of QiGong was developed thousands of years ago in the mountains of ancient China and is focused on one thing – accumulation and transformation of vital energy which is then used to fuel the healing reactor within.

All is required is an open mind, a proper technique and patience. Because the process is so subtle it takes a bit of time feel the effects. Qi is energy, Gong is work. You’ll need to put in the work to feel results. But don’t worry, once you get used to it you’ll look forward to your daily practice.

Why I Fell in Love with Qigong During Mercury Chelation

1. Energy is Intelligent

Mercury and other heavy metals impact our health in a variety and very unpredictable ways. This is why it is such a tough thing to diagnose based on the symptoms alone. Qigong took the guessing game out of equation by orchestrating infinite pieces of information, ushering energy to correct locations, nourishing cells that can not be reached with nutrients, connecting all things and all dimensions in the most perfect possible way to promote healing. It really is true that qi energy is intelligent. I can [continue reading…]


How SIBO, Dysbiosis, Candida and Other Gut Issues Can Cause Insomnia

Most of us are on a lookout for toxins in our food and environment but did you know that our gut itself can produce powerful germs that can wreak havoc on our sleep and health? That’s right, our own (endogenous) tiny bacteria can be a hidden enemy within and we may never even suspect that our major symptoms like insomnia is coming  directly from our gut.

In this article you’ll learn that sleep is highly dependent on our  gut’s microbes. An imbalance or depletion of our beneficial bacterial flora (microbiota) can result in SIBO, candida, dysbiosis, mast cell activation (MCAS) and many other gut issues that can, in turn contribute to serious disease, brain fog and chronic sleep disorders.

Mighty Powerful Tiny Organisms Affect our Sleep

These “endogenous” toxins can be released by unfriendly microbes in our intestinal tract. The name itself gives a clue as to their nature: growing or originating from within an organism. Our bacteria is hungry and it too likes to eat and eliminate waste just as we do, creating toxins that can affect our brain and all major organs.

Henry Lin from University of California’s Keck School of Medicine, claims that a bacterial activity in the small intestine (a normally bacteria-free region), caused by “renegade” bacteria migrating from the large intestine, triggers a response in the immune and nervous system that can lead to insomnia, anxiety, depression and [continue reading…]


Mast Cells (MCAS), Sulfur, Thiol, CBS Gene and Mercury Connection?

Are you one of the thousands of people who are trying to navigate a plethora of symptoms and exploring a connection between your immunity, genetics, and heavy metals like mercury? My world flipped downside up once I realized that the mechanism behind most of my misery is a so called “mast cell activation disorder” (MCAS), the root cause behind all of it is mercury and sulfur thiols are the suckers that inflicts most of the pain.

My MCAS symptoms are not related to skin. Apparently, most MCAS disorders do not manifest outwardly on skin but instead produce a plethora of symptoms internally. This is why this darn thing is so difficult to diagnose and can takes years before one actually arrives to this conclusion. At this point I invite you to take my finding as observations and not as medical facts. If you have done some of your own research and grappled with these concepts for a while you might find some of this useful.

In this article I raise four questions:

1. What is mast cell and mercury connection?

2. What is sulfur thiol to mercury connection?

3. How sulfur rich foods can lead to a variety of symptoms because of mast cell activation?

4. What are best supplements to support yourself in this condition?


There is a growing awareness that sulfur can cause trouble for some portion of the populous. Most people believe that this is due to their “genetic weaknesses” for sulfur metabolism or those low in B6 and/or molybdenum. But reality is that the problem hides elsewhere. Something else is activating those gene mutations and causing out methylation issues and that “something” is heavy metals.

I have some genetic variations in MTHFR, CBS and COMT genes. As you know CBS if the one that has to do with sulfur pathways. Before I realized that I’m dealing with mercury toxicity I was studying up epigenetics and constantly tinkering with my methylation pathways. All my experiments backfired and made me feel worse so I had to look deeper. Suffering from a variety of symptoms I could not put the dots together until I finally figured out that they are all related to heavy metal induced organ toxicity. And only after about two more years I realized that almost all of them are related to [continue reading…]


MegaSporeBiotic (Soil Based Biotic) Review for Insomnia and Gut Function – WARNING!

It is safe to say that Megasporebiotic has caused major relapse of old symptoms like insomnia and serious gut issues. This was an absolute shock to me and caused me a tremendous amount of suffering. This was an experiment gone really bad!

In this video I review this “highly praised” soil based biotic product and detail my experiment with day by day developments. Below this video are my further observations and updates which I encourage you to read to get the full picture.

I really should have listened to the folks in the comments on the FixYourGut site but it was too late. By the time I had found those negative reviews my MegaSporeBiotic was already on the way and I was determined to try it anyways.

As you learned from my video I initially had a very positive reaction and remained hopeful. Better, faster digestion, noticeable improvement in appetite, less fatigue coming from my abdomen all cheered me on to continue. But just a couple of weeks later it was already stressing my heart causing palpitations, feeling hot and stressed at night, poor mood, and increased brain fog. Insomnia was slowly creeping in and then hit really hard.

Worst part was is that it is taking me what seems like forever to recover my previous state of sleep and gut function. Things are just not right. I’m fighting a constant [continue reading…]


Heavy Metal Detox Mistakes

This video was inspired by some personal regrets and catastrophic stories I had heard from the heavy metals detox community. If you are considering detoxing from heavy metals, especially mercury (because of amalgam fillings, fish consumption or any other source) you must watch this video and avoid these painful, sometimes even faithful mistakes.

In this video I’ll share science as to why some people get toxic and why some don’t, discuss wrong protocols, wrong detox agents, DMPS challenge test, supplements, food sensitivities and [continue reading…]


Experiments With Chaga Mushroom for Sleep, Adrenal Fatigue and Digestion

Chaga was my biggest discovery of the year. Not because I didn’t know about it but because it was such a good fit for my condition. It plugged the whole on one of the crucial symptoms that was slowing down my recovery. It is a definite winner and a definite keeper which is very rare for me because I get a paradoxical reaction to most supplements. In fact, I do not even tolerate other medicinal mushrooms like Reishi, Cordysceps or Lion’s Mane.

Please keep in mind, my results are in the backdrop of mercury toxicity, adrenal fatigue and digestion issues, food sensitivities and of course – major sleep issues. These were all tested by this wonder mushroom.

*If you’d rather watch my video report on Youtube you can find it here.

In case you are just getting acquainted with Chaga it hosts a few impressive health benefits:

  • enhances the immune system  (much needed in an insomnia exhausted body);
  • powerful antioxidant (perfect for any inflammatory processes that could be causing sleep issues);
  • digestion aid (perfect to take the load of digestion at night);
  • powerful antiviral action;
  • balances blood sugar (perfect for stabilizing nigh time sugar in case it is sugar spikes that jolts one from deep sleep).

When it comes to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) it is said that [continue reading…]