Candida: Ammonia and Glutathione Depletion the Real Reason for Thiol Sensitivity?

If you are sensitive to sulfur in diet but more specifically – thiols, then listen up. I’ve been searching for the answer for years and finally have a strong theory based on science and my own observations.

Candida overgrowth can be stealthy and immensely debilitating.  Just like heavy metals it can wreak havoc on our immune systems and detox capabilities. One of the mechanisms behind many symptoms is excess ammonia and depleted glutathione. That is because Candida overgrowth can produce significant amounts of ammonia as a metabolic byproduct, especially when it ferments sugars and overtax our detox systems.

How is excess ammonia production from candida related to thiol sensitivity?

Excess ammonia production from Candida overgrowth can be related to thiol sensitivity due to the following biochemical interactions:

1. Ammonia Production and Detoxification: The body detoxifies ammonia primarily in the liver through the urea cycle, converting it to urea for excretion. However, if there’s too much ammonia, or if liver function is compromised, excess ammonia can build up in the body.

2. Glutathione Depletion: Detoxifying ammonia can deplete glutathione, a crucial antioxidant in the body. Glutathione contains sulfur in its structure and is essential for [continue reading…]


All The Hidden Triggers That Can Inhibit Pancreas Function

Pancreas issues scare the hell out of me. Not only it’s one of the most overlooked organ systems it is often mistreated or written off as a lifetime condition. If one develops pancreatic cancer (PC) it is almost a death sentence – it’s a devastating disease that is very difficult to treat.

I have been complaining to doctors for years about the pancreas. The advice has almost always been to avoid alcohol (which I don’t consume anyway) and fatty foods, and then diet, rest and enzymes to improve. But why so little  knowledge?

Have you ever asked your doctor what exactly causes chronic pancreatitis? Here are all the things that can affect pancreatic function:

Streptococcal infection:

“Acute pancreatitis is usually an inflammatory process caused by chemical autodigestion of pancreas. The edematous form of acute pancreatitis needs to correct its etiological factor to avoid recurrence. It is observed as an initial manifestation of group A beta hemolytic streptococcal infection in this patient and antibiotics play a role as curative and prophylactic in selected cases.  As a completely opposite direction: In mice implanted with human pancreatic cancer tumors, injecting live Streptococcus bacteria, similar to those that cause strep throat, directly into the tumors caused the tumors to shrink and die, German scientists report.

Gut dysbiosis/SIBO:

is believed to be involved in pancreatic carcinogenesis by activating chronic inflammation. Furthermore, patients with periodontal disease have an increased risk of developing PC.

Gallstones and stagnant liver:

The pancreatic ducts are intertwined with the gallbladder and liver ducts. Stones, parasites (liver flukes), thickened bile, inflammatory processes, etc. Any challenges in that “plumbing” will have consequences in the pancreas. Digestion works as a whole, not as individual organs.

Heavy metals:

Heavy metals like mercury penetrate the walls of organs and interfere with normal function. “In summary, the genotoxic metal mercury is found in normal pancreatic cells in more people with pancreatic cancer than those [continue reading…]


It’s Never Just Mercury – Liver’s Role

Mercury. It’s never just one thing. It’s never just mercury when it comes to slow intoxication. Just like an advanced airplane our body has redundant systems to compensate for errors and weaknesses. As most air crash investigations show – when disaster happens it is usually due to multiple systems failing at the same time. One of these weaknesses for me seems to have been liver function.

A strong healthy liver is our most important detox ally. Naturally, I’ve been studying various liver “diseases” and recently I came across one that sounds very interesting: Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC). It is an “immune-mediated chronic disease associated with progressive intrahepatic cholestasis. Although the pathogenesis of PBC remains incompletely understood, the accumulation of endogenous hydrophobic bile acids due to destruction of small bile ducts is thought to promote the progression of liver cell injury and finally lead to hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis.”

Intrahepatic cholestasis is basically liver stagnation, thick bile, bile duct inflammation which causes scarring, etc. “Normally, bile acids flow from your liver to your gut to help you digest food. In ICP, the bile acids do not flow properly and build up in your body instead.” They build up and cause systemic inflammation.

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Total Body Burden And What it Has Do with Insomnia and Chronic Illness

QUESTION: “I’ve long put off any kind of detox because of a continual steady decline of my overall state in regards to CFS, a very leaky gut from SIBO/dysbiosis, Candida and latent cross viral activation. Immense amounts of brain inflammation/Microglia activation. I’m gridlocked in a cell danger response on about 5 foods; I’m now out of breath and facing whole body fatigue after very little exertion. If I dare try treat Candida and SIBO simultaneously my neuro inflammation is immense. I don’t tolerate most supplements. Worst part – I can only sleep 2-4 hours per night. What can I do to make any progress?”

ANSWER: Forget detox. Forget fixing anything. Forget everything. Aim for reducing your total body burden. Period.

I’ve been in your shoes, exactly and nothing has been more bewildering than all the advice I got about supplements and ways to “fix” my health. Yet nothing worked. I had a paradoxical reaction to almost all supplements.

We try this and try that, drown in all the fancy concepts of functional medicine, annihilate our savings on doctors, tests and well marketed products, try one protocol after another, eliminate most foods from our diet and nothing helps. We stay sick or feel worse. Why?

All that suffering because of one profound mistake – not being aware of the concept of Total Body Burden (TBB) of substances that cause disease. This one is extremely important to understand if you want to get yourself out of this predicament. Yet, it is one of the most overlooked concepts in any medicine! It absolutely blows my mind.

Let me give you some good news – you can absolutely [continue reading…]


Insomnia from Parasite Cleanse: Reasons and Remedies

Parasites are a menace. Period. They have to go. Especially I you plan to reduce your total body burden, relieve your liver and give your gut a chance to heal. Our quality sleep depends on it.

What surprised me the most is that I had no classic parasitic symptoms. I merely went by the theory that an immuno-compromised body with stagnant liver is a swamp ripe with conditions for critters to thrive. And as we know from nature, where conditions a right microorganism will come to take advantage of it.

Bottom line, I started cleansing and they came out. Nasty. Gross. About finger length slimy creatures just like in the photos next to their wiki page. I’ll spare you from the images. Not everyone can stomach them.

My initial protocol consisted of: Mimosa Pudica seeds + black walnut hull, wormwood, thyme leaf, cascara sagrada bark, cinnamon bark, and quassia wood extracts. I started slow and gentle. Mimosa Pudica on its own was the easiest to tolerate while the rest of the stuff was pretty rough on the liver but I managed. The two worms that I actually saw was when I did a liver flush and they were simply there in a strainer. Who knows how many (if any) I could have passed before.

All was pretty well a few days after but then I became very gassy. No matter what I ate flatulence was consistent and persistent, as if the food itself made no difference. Then my old symptoms started creeping in: [continue reading…]


Liver Gallbladder Flush For Sensitive Types

If you have not done liver-gallbladder flushing this is something very worth to get educated about. I got tired of hearing all the ranting and had to do it myself but I quickly learned that I had to work around a few food sensitivities which were preventing me to have a smooth experience. This video is about how I worked around the issues and added liver flushing to my overall healing strategy.  Watch the video below and let me know about your experiences in the comments. [continue reading…]


Decoding the Mystery of B12 Side Effects and Insomnia

One of the most annoying issues on my healing journey has been paradoxical reaction to B12 vitamin. As I later learned, many of us experience various side effects that initially starts as a welcome boost in energy but then quickly  gets ugly and morph into mood swings (especially anger), anxiety, fatigue, racing heart (tachycardia), mania and insomnia. If this happens to you too then welcome to the club of B12 madness!

Let’s take a deep dive into the intriguing nature of B12 and its potential side effects. Let’s get to the bottom of this!

Potential Reasons Behind B12 Side Effects:

After scouring various sources and opinions here are most common reasons:

Intrinsic Factors:

Some people may have stomach issues or intrinsic factor problems, which hinder the proper absorption of B12. When your body doesn’t absorb B12 efficiently, it could lead to a deficiency, resulting in mood disturbances. Once your body adjusts to low B12 levels any sudden large dose literally freaks out all related processes.


According to Dr. William Walsh, approximately 9% of people are overmethylators. When these individuals take methyl-B12 (Methylcobalamin), it might lead to an imbalance in neurotransmitters, causing anxiety and other symptoms. B12 is said to cause norepinephrine to be converted to adrenaline. There’s an unimaginable number of people who got hurt by taking a Methylcobalamin form of B12. Please be very careful. If you react to methylcobalamin you may also react to Methylfolate as both of them are the so called “methyl donors.” The forms that do not have methyl donors are hydroxocobalamin and adenosylcobalamin.

Additionally, some of us with high externally or internal stress levels could have low levels of some neurotransmitters like tryptophan, serotonin and norepinephrine which can make us even more reactive.

Mineral Depletion:

B12 stimulates red blood cell production, which requires a variety of minerals, including iron, copper, glutathione, and potassium. If an influx [continue reading…]


Castor Oil Liver Pack Side Effects and Ways to Avoid Them

Whether you are thinking about trying Castor Oil Pack or have already developed a reaction and are looking for answers you found the right video.

If you saw my previous experiment, you know that I was hit with poor sleep, early wakings, rib pain and shortness of breath. My mother and friend developed some alarming symptoms too that I will discuss shortly.

So it made me question as to how this could have happened? And I quickly discovered that this powerful remedy is not as innocent as everyone claims to be and must me approached with some humble respect.  Because if we develop a nasty reaction we might get scared and miss out on potential benefits down the road.

It is said that even small amount of poison can be [continue reading…]


My Experiment With Castor Oil Liver Pack for Sleep


Drainage, Detox, Herx Explained in a Simple Way

Our capacity to drain and detox plays a crucial role in insomnia and various sleep disturbance conditions. The better we understand the mechanism, the better we can address the underlying cause.

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