Functional Testing

These are the functional tests that can help narrow down your diagnosis:

HTMA – Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (by Doctor’s Data or similar) can show deranged minerals pointing to chronic heavy metal exposure, indicators of a more recent or acute exposure (values will be very high).

DNA testing – can indicate various genetic variances that can help point towards better supplement support (methylation, detox pathways, etc.)

OAT – (Organic Acids Test) – helps assess nutritional deficiencies that can affect metabolic pathways, excessive bacteria and so. Great Plains Labs, because they show fungal metabolites.

Parasite testing: DNA probes and PCR for diagnosis of parasitic infections is most accurate. The standard diagnostic method for parasites would be to take a faecal sample, spread it on an agar plate and see what grows. With the PCR method, a robot makes the DNA, and a machine does the PCR. Itโ€™s far, far quicker. It is believed thereโ€™s something like a 50 per cent failure rate on microscopy, whereas PCR is completely specific.

GI Map – a comprehensive snapshot of overall gut health. Measures pathogens in the GI system, points to potential microbes that are causing chronic illness. It also analyzes digestion, nutrient absorption, inflammation, and immune function. Note: good for picking up amoeba, H. Pylori, blasto but not as accurate for worms.